Well, I've been back in the States for about a month and a half now. It is good to be back.

I am back attending Utah State University, and taking sixteen credits as well. I think I might have bitten off a bit more than I can swallow since four of my five classes are upper devision, and two of those are Communicative Intensive. But this should be my second to last semester, so I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I have an apartment near campus. It is just at the foot of Old Main, and I can see its tower from my bedroom window. It is especially nice since all but one of my classes are in Old Main. This is a picture from my window at night. I turned off the light so the it is easier to see the tower. It is the 'A' shaped thing in the upper left area of the photo. The doorframe shaped thing is the reflection of my bedroom door in the window, and then you can see my computer sitting at the bottom of the window. I share the apartment with three roommates, and I have my own small room.
I also acquired a new job. I have a work-study job with the Utah State University Technology Commercialization Office. I help out around the office, but it is mostly sorting paperwork and data entry. It seems that it will be a pretty good job, but it seems like it might also be kind of boring.
My job is very quiet, and my apartment is also very quiet. I spend a lot of time doing homework, so I have less of a social life than I would like, but compared to my time in Japan, I have a HUGE social life. I am a lot busier, so I can't play as much as I'd like.
In other news, or I guess related to my first paragraph, I graduate within a year. I'm not sure what to do after graduation. I might try to get a job, or I could possibly look into graduate school. I am also toying with the idea of going to Australia. My mum was still a citizen when she was born, which means that I can get dual citizenship. It's just an idea, but it is an option. I would probably only go for a short while if I did go, but I could stay for longer.
Speaking of Australia, my uncle, my cousin, and my aunt is over here on holiday. They spent some time in SoCal, and then saw the Grand Canyon, then visited us for a few days. They are currently on their way to Oregon, and then back home to Brisbane. Below is a picture of me with my uncle, his daughter - my cousin, and my aunt. My mother's brother, niece, and sister.